Online Donation

As a self-financing institution, we rely very much on the community to enable us to provide the necessary facilities and support to our students, whether it be campus development or financial support to needy students.

Every dollar from you will definitely be a sound investment in education and it will go a long way in deepening and broadening the resources needed for our sustainable growth and our endeavours in people development.

Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible. An official receipt will be sent to your mailing/email address provided in due course.

Donor Information

Enquiries: 2768 6366 (Development and Alumni Affairs Office)

Donation Details


1) Receipts will be issued for donations of HK$100 or above for tax-deduction in the HKSAR.

2) Individuals,corporations and foundations donating HK$20,000 or more will become members of HKMU Foundation. When a member’s cumulative donation reaches a predetermined amount,the membership will be upgraded.

3) The above personal data (i.e. your name, contact details and donation information) will be kept confidential and used by Hong Kong Metropolitan University for donation solicitation, acknowledgement, record, event promotion and update of our development projects. If you do not wish to receive any promotional materials, you may inform us by email at